Music in schools

Social Issues through Songwriting

Social Issues through Songwriting is a fun and connecting experience where students write and record a song about a social justice or environmental issue. The school can choose between a longer process (eg. five weeks) course or a shorter process (eg. single or two sessions). At the end of the process, the school will receive a digital copy of the song, with an option of a more professional recording and/or film clip. This is a great experience for students where they learn to connect with and contribute to their world and to find their voice. Contact us for more details – we’d love to talk with you and negotiate how to make the workshops fit the students’ needs! To learn more click here:

Social Issues through Songwriting helps students connect with and contribute to their world

DRUMBEAT program at your school

Book a qualified DRUMBEAT facilitator from Black Sheep Music to run a ten week program with the cohort of your choice. Holyoake’s DRUMBEAT is the world’s first structured learning program using music, psychology and neurobiology to reconnect with ourselves and others. It is estimated that over 50,000 people around the world have participated in and experienced the benefits of the program so far. Contact us for more details.

Book a qualified DRUMBEAT facilitator to run a ten week program at your school